Dan Beuttner coined the term “Blue Zones,” which refers to the lifestyle of the world’s longest living communities; centenarians. They are among the oldest and healthiest people in the world, living with little to no chronic health issues. He is also the author of the book, Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who Live the Longest.
November 12, 2021 -
November 9, 2021 Why I Got A BerkEy Water Filter
Ok beauties. I’m sure you already know that approximately 60% of the body is made up of water. Cells need water to carry out enzyme function, ...
October 27, 2021 I healed my acne by optimizing my gut Health
There is so much healing in healthy, earth foods. Health is wealth! I think so. Every day I am grateful for my life and my health. ...
October 26, 2021 The Kitchen Gadgets That Make My life EAsier + healthier
It’s no secret that I love green juices, smoothies and hot cocoa. Green juices. They fill me up and give me good love. So how do ...
August 24, 2021 smoothies & juices Support My Gut health
Indulging in juices and smoothies have become a daily self-care ritual because they work in support of my wellbeing. I’ve learned what ingredients work from great ...
August 23, 2021 resentments will rear its head
There is a saying that goes something like, nothing changes if you don’t change anything. It’s true. Life oftentimes require us to go through many changes ...
July 27, 2021 Almost 50 And still dreaming
Dreaming. It’s what I’ve always done. Even when the dreams feel impossible, like now, at almost 50. I’m still dreaming. I dream of being better of ...
July 20, 2021 How I do distresss denim
After being layered all winter long, I welcome the hot summer days because I can wear less and fun clothing and feel the sunshine kissing my ...
May 21, 2021 SEven Things To ConsiDer If you are struggling with aging
I’ve never experienced anxiety around chronological aging. Hope I never do. However, I have experienced lots of anxiety about aging and not having done the things ...
May 7, 2021 Shorts are Back
One of my non-negotiable is recreation. I make time for fun and joy. It doesn’t always unfolds perfectly ’cause life is not a linear process, but ...